Flow-Writing is a space where we release inner blockages through creative journaling. We flow with our thoughts and words, our emotions and manifestations. One does not have to be a writer to participate as this space is for anyone who feels to express; may it be your bliss, regrets, desires, a secret, or even a confession. In this safe space, we allow our thoughts to flow and create meaning from our experiences. Our words are our anchor.

What kind of ripple do you wish to co-create from your corner of the world?

September 18, 2023

For the past few days, my mind has played with the phrase “ripples of aliveness”.

I’ve written about it a little, danced about it a little. Felt my breath, in and out, and let feelings of discomfort ripple through.

I’ve told several friends about my recent state of high avoidance regarding my advocacies, but there’s really no way we can run away from things that are of high value to us. There is no way we can run away from ourselves.

The news has been shittier as fuck. There’s no other way to put it. Seeing political works of art, charts, figures, memes and sentiments from fellow Filipinos everywhere are mirrors to what I have always grieved about since the last elections. I thought it was going to be easier to just ignore, to just live through and remain grateful for my few privileges, to pretend it is all okay - but there’s no running away from myself. Not when I was taught by my family, my mentors, my friends, my community, and my favorite books and films to give a lot of fuck about life beyond myself.

I still wish this post had a fancier call to action by the end, like those days when I would actively co-create and co-organize huge volunteer and fundraising opportunities. Right now, however, I have none except for these words urging me to flow out of my journal and onto this platform I share with anyone else that would resonate. This is my current ripple.

I still grieve for the better governance we could have had. I still grieve deeply but I’ve found grace in allowing this voice to ripple through as I also feel through. One thing I learned and integrated from my years of community collaboration is that we all have our little corners of this beautiful, beautiful world we cohabit. We have got to make our ripples count.

